Minimal Example for Writing QML Modules

At work, we are using our own build system so we don’t use Qt’s CMake API for anything. On my own time, I’ve been trying to get more into the CMake API and work on some hobby projects and experiments on the side.

I’ve been working on a analog clock implementation with time zone support and I wanted to make this implementation into a QML module. Maybe because I’m not used to it, this wasn’t a straightforward task… And for the life of me, somehow this section on the documentation didn’t catch my eye…

So, I created a minimal sample on GitHub to hopefully save some time for people.

The crucial part is in your QML module, in the example above it would be the rectangles folder, it matters whether or not you use RESOURCE_PREFIX. When that’s used, you have to manually add the import path to QQmlEngine. Otherwise your QML types will not be found. However, your C++ types will load just fine and it’ll leave you scratching your head…

Lessons learned, get a pair of glasses… 😅🤓